OQO Hacker Claims World's Smallest OS X Machine - Working between heartbeats to create microscopic Chess Set

The worlds smallest chessboard that was created between heartbeats!

Thaindian.com - Bangkok,Bangkok,Thailand
London , Apr 30 (ANI): A Russian man worked between his heartbeats for six
months to create the smallest chess game in the world. This microscopic
chess set ...

OQO turned into world's smallest Mac

By Audley Jarvis
A poster on the OQO Talk forums appears to have turned his Vista-operating OQO e2 UMPC into a something capable of running Leopard. Upon making his bold claim, TRF was initially ridiculed and charged with merely layering Vista with a ...
All News Feeds

OQO Hacker Claims World's Smallest OS X Machine
By timothy(help@slashdot.org)
TechRadar writes "A hacker has turned his OQO ultraportable into the world's smallest Mac running Leopard. 'I will warn you this project is not for the plug and play crowd but definitely do-able,' the hacker, 'TRF' says. ...
Slashdot: Generated for Bhikku (799092)

Samsung claims "world's smallest" color laser printer
Samsung Korea on Tuesday introduced what it claims is the smallest color laser printers ever built. According to the Akihabara News, the CLP-315K is 20 percent smaller than the previous generation the CLP-300; it operates at 45dB and ...
MacNN | The Macintosh News Network

Worlds Smallest Mac running Leopard
By Sucharith Menon
The OQO is now officially the smallest machine that can run the Mac OS leopard ! This hack was performed by a junior membor called TRF and this machine now boasts a dual OS with Vista and Leopard. Does this make you want to convert your ...
The Widget Terminal

::guimp:: world's smallest website
::guimp:: world's smallest website.