Open Source Show and Tell

I recently brought up the idea of having an open source get-together to let you, the hackers, run the show and talk about your projects. The small audience I brought it up to seemed enthusiastic for a meeting that would be less linden-centric.

I'd like to have a once-a-month get together for a show and tell about your projects. Hopefully this could be an outlet if you have a viewer project you want to show off, a non-SL open source project you want to show to an SLdev audience, or otherwise have some variety of judicious hack to show off. Whatever. I'm aiming for the vibe of a hacker meetup, except once a month and for only an hour or so. The real question is, what are you doing with open source?

Any suggestions?

So far I've heard:
* have it every week like an office hour
* make it once a quarter for half a day
* have a slot signup on the wiki
* have a freeform discussion / hangout

It's pretty open right now.

I'm leaning towards once a month with some kind of stage / front-of-the-classroom, and a place to chill and hack together. If you're someone with a project to show off, I *really* want to hear what *you* would like.

+ poppy